Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pretty in Pink

I'm a Big Girl!

Lexie is trying so hard to sit up and move around! She's not quite there yet, but loves being propped up! I think it's because she loves to see what's going on around her.
She is really starting to pick up on things. I've been reading her a board book at bedtime every night and the last few nights she started smiling when I brought it out. She's also been watching BabyFirst TV as if she can tell what's going on. I've started putting toys out during her tummy time and while she can't quite crawl to reach them she is definitely paying them much more attention than before. I also just moved her to size 2 diapers!
We are making progress in sleep. She has slept two nights through so far, although not in a row. Last night she was up a lot, but at least we are getting closer. I am really tired, but keep telling myself it's just a season and it will go quickly. I know it's true, because I can hardly believe we are through the first three months!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

In Between Sizes :)

3-6 Months Already?!!!

So Lexie is officially twelve weeks old and growing like crazy! She is getting so long that I've had to put away all her 0-3 month and 3 month sleepers so her toes have some room. I'm slowly trading out her 3 month clothes for the 3-6 month sizes now. You can see her little Atlanta Braves outfit her Aunt Priscilla and Uncle Evan sent her is still a little big, but she is definitely almost there. I put her Nike Air Force Ones on for probably the last time. It was really difficult to get them on. Crazy; I don't think I owned Nikes until I was in my 20s :)
She still loves to hang out on our bed and since she is now in the crib at night I let her come in to our room in the mornings. She loves to stare at the ceiling fan and wave her arms and legs around. I've also discovered the power of music; yesterday turning on Leona Lewis in the Ipod player allowed me to get a shower without a crying baby :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Little Girl is Growing Up!

Mommy's Back to Work!
So last week was my first week back at work. Thank God for McDonald's nonfat iced mochas! I think I am currently keeping them in business! Lexie will be 12 weeks in two days, believe it or not! She is consistently sleeping in her crib and now makes it about 5-6 hours before waking up for her first nighttime feeding. Of course she then wakes up for her second one anytime between 2-3 hours, but I am hoping she gradually begins to stretch the first one out and just eliminates the second. She has to be somewhere between 11-12 pounds now and is growing and maturing like you wouldn't believe.
She definitely misses me and Anthony at daycare, but seems to be adjusting and all the other babies/kids love her. So far I have still been pumping and mixing milk with formula for the daytime. I plan to keep the night feedings as long as possible; I really believe it is making a difference in her immune system. She has outgrown the colic phase and is happy a lot more, smiling and even giggling a little. She discovered that her hands can clasp together and has been really fascinated by it for a week or so now, experimenting with different ways of holding them in front of her. The latest variation is pulling extremely hard on her index finger without ever letting go.
As hard as it is to leave her, it is also good to be back at work; everyone is so anxious to see pictures of her! Everything is coming back to me very quickly and it makes the time with her getting ready in the morning and when I come home that much more special!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

10 Weeks Old!

Two Month Photo Shoot

So I took Lexie to Olan Mills last week for her two month pictures. She did great! Lots of smiles and I thought she looked so pretty in her dress!

This week has been all about getting her to sleep in her crib at night and right now we are on our fourth successful night! She still wakes up to eat every 3-4 hours, but at least we are making progress towards her sleeping on her own. I am sooo grateful for our video monitor which makes it easy to check on her from our room!

We took her to daycare for half a day earlier this week and plan to take her for a full day tomorrow (can't wait to celebrate our four year anniversary!) Hopefully going a few days this week will ease her into going full time next week.

Hanlin family pics from our Erie trip finally came in; the first one with the babies in it! One more reminder of Lexie's first big trip :)