Monday, April 26, 2010

One Year Old!

It's Party Time!

Birthday Girl and her Daddy

Birthdays are a GREAT Idea!

Nothing like a Cupcake Pinata for a Good Time!

Yummy Cake

I Hate Being Messy


All Worn Out!

Thanks for a great day everyone!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Swing = Happy Girl!

Swinging Away

When we left home I didn't realize she still had a little bit of yogurt on her face.

I'm not sure, but I have a feeling the messy face contributed to her good time :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Fun with Blocks and Balls

So this video is longer than the normal clips I post, but you can see how advanced she is getting in her play. She loves to put her shape blocks inside the Playskool ball popper, which of course doesn't work too well. She loves emptying things (every diaper change now she tries to empty the basket on the table!)

She's getting so quick; it's amazing! She pretty much zooms around the floor when she wants to get somewhere. She is such a chatterbox and is always talking, whether in baby language or actual words.

We are getting ready for her first birthday party - it is a cupcake theme! I ordered her cake yesterday and I'm so excited about it. It will be a round cake made to look like a giant cupcake, plus we are getting a little "smash cake" just for her to go with it! Her birthday is in only four days and the party is on Saturday; not long now!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Day in the Park

Fun on the Swings

It was an absolutely beautiful day out today and I took Lexie to the park after work. She and I have been swinging in our backyard on the swing set most days already, but the park has a baby swing and she loves it!

She sat in it for half an hour and cried when I took her out. The sun was bright and facing her so she couldn't look up for pictures. Of course, she also waved at everyone who walked by (all the other moms, dads and little kids waved back). She kept waving over and over at the teenage boys playing basketball and seemed like she couldn't understand why they wouldn't wave back.

Eventually we had to go, but I think she would have stayed out there until I made her leave. It is so much fun now that she is old enough to be able to enjoy these types of things. I have a feeling we'll be doing this again many times over the summer!

Lexie's First Easter!

We're Back!

So the blog hiatus was not intentional; it's just been a crazy month and a half and before I knew it, that much time had passed without an update. Lexie is busy and growing; she has four teeth now and is doing so many new things.

Her newest developments have been waving (she waves at everyone now all the time) and shaking her head from side to side. She hasn't figured out that it means no yet, just thinks it's funny. She loves it when you shake your head back at her; even if you nod it up and down she will shake it back and forth in response. Her giggles at something so simple are hilarious! She is quite a talkative little girl and said "hey" to me when I walked in the door from work yesterday.

I took her for pictures in her Easter dress and as you can see, she had a blast! A lady I work with has a business making bows and flowers for little girls and she made the flower especially to go with the dress. I was really pleased with how it came out and with the pictures. She wore the combo to church Easter Sunday as well and looked so beautiful!

Below are pictures from our church's Easter Extraordinaire (Anthony performed). They have an amazing Easter Egg hunt, but of course, Lexie was a little too small for that. She had fun anyway though; Pastor went and got her an egg and she is still playing with it! She also loved her Easter bunny from Grandma Flagg! All in all, a great holiday!