Sunday, April 18, 2010


Fun with Blocks and Balls

So this video is longer than the normal clips I post, but you can see how advanced she is getting in her play. She loves to put her shape blocks inside the Playskool ball popper, which of course doesn't work too well. She loves emptying things (every diaper change now she tries to empty the basket on the table!)

She's getting so quick; it's amazing! She pretty much zooms around the floor when she wants to get somewhere. She is such a chatterbox and is always talking, whether in baby language or actual words.

We are getting ready for her first birthday party - it is a cupcake theme! I ordered her cake yesterday and I'm so excited about it. It will be a round cake made to look like a giant cupcake, plus we are getting a little "smash cake" just for her to go with it! Her birthday is in only four days and the party is on Saturday; not long now!

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