Friday, April 9, 2010

A Day in the Park

Fun on the Swings

It was an absolutely beautiful day out today and I took Lexie to the park after work. She and I have been swinging in our backyard on the swing set most days already, but the park has a baby swing and she loves it!

She sat in it for half an hour and cried when I took her out. The sun was bright and facing her so she couldn't look up for pictures. Of course, she also waved at everyone who walked by (all the other moms, dads and little kids waved back). She kept waving over and over at the teenage boys playing basketball and seemed like she couldn't understand why they wouldn't wave back.

Eventually we had to go, but I think she would have stayed out there until I made her leave. It is so much fun now that she is old enough to be able to enjoy these types of things. I have a feeling we'll be doing this again many times over the summer!

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