Saturday, September 18, 2010

Open Wide!

Feeding Herself!

Not so hard...

Gotta Get a Good Grip on the Spoon!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun at the Bouncy Barn!

Sesame Street Town

The Ball Pit :)

I Had SOOO Much Fun!

Monday, August 9, 2010

New Park!

They opened a new park at the Community Center by our house - it's great and has a toddler size park that is separate from the big kids one! Watch Lexie checking it out (the video is great)!

She would only go down the slide with me :)

Going Up and Down!

... and through the Chute!!!Align Center

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lexie Loves "Elbo"

Lexie has a new best friend - "Elbo" (her version of Elmo). We have been reading the Sesame Street learning books since she got them for her birthday. Out of all the characters she has really begun to fall in love with Elmo and began saying his name about a week ago. She can pick him out of any of the books if I ask her "Where's Elmo?" As a result, I have begun recording Sesame Street and playing an episode for her whenever she says his name.

She also got these really cool "Tickle Me Elmo" hands and DVD for her birthday and is learning to dance to it. This clip shows her singing with it; I don't have a video of it but today she started spinning and rocking back and forth to the music with the furry hands on! So cute; enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Too Cool for School

Check out Lexie's new shades! I've been wanting to get her some since she likes ours so much and so when they went on sale at The Children's Place I had to pick some up.

She loves having me put them on (of course over and over again!). I wonder how long they'll last?!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cooling off in the Pool

It has been so hot - the heat index has been about 110 degrees several times over the last few weeks and we were overdue to get Lexie a pool. I went shopping and was so excited to find this one for 75% off!

It is so cute and she likes it so much! The bottom picture shows her after she figured out how to get in and out of it on her own!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Pretty Girl!

So things have been moving super fast and I've been behind on Lexie's pictures. I have this great frame that shows the progression from birth, 3 month, 6 months, 9 months and one year and I've had it completely put together except for the one year spot for months now.

Anthony is at a youth camp this weekend and so we had the perfect opportunity to go. Lexie was in a good mood and we got some amazing shots! I can't wait to get the prints back and finish the frame!

New Things!

We Love Saturdays!

Today Lexie went to get her pictures taken (as you can see, she didn't want me to change her out of her dress) and afterwards she went with me to the hair salon. She stood in front of the fan and smiled several times before I got the video!

Then we came home and met Sarah and Sophia to go to a ice cream social our Homeowner's Association had at the park today. There was free ice cream, safari animals, a train and a bouncy blow up. The girls enjoyed the ice cream and animals and then tried out the blow-up. (That only lasted a few minutes!) It was about 96 degrees so we decided to walk home after that and the girls cooled off inside :) What a great day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Big Girl!

Walking Outside!

Look at our big girl walking around! She has been getting so good at walking around without falling. Check out her new swing - she loves it!

Her other new thing has been sharing - at church on Sunday she shared her Cheerios with the other kids in class and the last two days her teachers at school have said she's been going out of her way to share her toys with her friends!

Our little girl is growing up!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Playing in the Park

It Sure is Sunny Out!

Don't Worry Mama; I Won't Fall!

Who Needs a Lawn Mower?

First Time Picking a "Flower"

Amazing how Exciting a Stick can be!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cheering on the Shock!

Lexie Loves Basketball!

Last night was the opening night of the Tulsa Shock game. We got tickets and were really excited to go and support them coming to town, plus a local gymnastic academy (Aim High Academy) did a routine to one of Anthony's songs before tipoff!

Lexie clapped the whole night and shared a soft pretzel with me (the only thing on the menu I could share with her :) We had to leave at halftime so she could get to bed, but overall, it was a great night! We are looking forward to going many more times!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lexie Goes to Florida!

What a Great Trip!

So as many of you know, my brother graduated from college this month and we were so blessed to be able to fly down and celebrate his successes with him. We got a chance to visit the campus and attend his graduation as well as see all of my family!

The day after graduation we got to go to the beach; Lexie wore her adorable sun hat and ice cream flip flops and got her first experience with sand and the ocean!

Then the next day we went to Disney with the whole family; it was so much fun to see Lexie experience that! Check out her Minnie Mouse ears :)

We absolutely loved Florida; as much as we love our home we were sad to leave. Can't wait to go back in a few years!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

One Year Old!

It's Party Time!

Birthday Girl and her Daddy

Birthdays are a GREAT Idea!

Nothing like a Cupcake Pinata for a Good Time!

Yummy Cake

I Hate Being Messy


All Worn Out!

Thanks for a great day everyone!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Swing = Happy Girl!

Swinging Away

When we left home I didn't realize she still had a little bit of yogurt on her face.

I'm not sure, but I have a feeling the messy face contributed to her good time :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Fun with Blocks and Balls

So this video is longer than the normal clips I post, but you can see how advanced she is getting in her play. She loves to put her shape blocks inside the Playskool ball popper, which of course doesn't work too well. She loves emptying things (every diaper change now she tries to empty the basket on the table!)

She's getting so quick; it's amazing! She pretty much zooms around the floor when she wants to get somewhere. She is such a chatterbox and is always talking, whether in baby language or actual words.

We are getting ready for her first birthday party - it is a cupcake theme! I ordered her cake yesterday and I'm so excited about it. It will be a round cake made to look like a giant cupcake, plus we are getting a little "smash cake" just for her to go with it! Her birthday is in only four days and the party is on Saturday; not long now!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Day in the Park

Fun on the Swings

It was an absolutely beautiful day out today and I took Lexie to the park after work. She and I have been swinging in our backyard on the swing set most days already, but the park has a baby swing and she loves it!

She sat in it for half an hour and cried when I took her out. The sun was bright and facing her so she couldn't look up for pictures. Of course, she also waved at everyone who walked by (all the other moms, dads and little kids waved back). She kept waving over and over at the teenage boys playing basketball and seemed like she couldn't understand why they wouldn't wave back.

Eventually we had to go, but I think she would have stayed out there until I made her leave. It is so much fun now that she is old enough to be able to enjoy these types of things. I have a feeling we'll be doing this again many times over the summer!

Lexie's First Easter!

We're Back!

So the blog hiatus was not intentional; it's just been a crazy month and a half and before I knew it, that much time had passed without an update. Lexie is busy and growing; she has four teeth now and is doing so many new things.

Her newest developments have been waving (she waves at everyone now all the time) and shaking her head from side to side. She hasn't figured out that it means no yet, just thinks it's funny. She loves it when you shake your head back at her; even if you nod it up and down she will shake it back and forth in response. Her giggles at something so simple are hilarious! She is quite a talkative little girl and said "hey" to me when I walked in the door from work yesterday.

I took her for pictures in her Easter dress and as you can see, she had a blast! A lady I work with has a business making bows and flowers for little girls and she made the flower especially to go with the dress. I was really pleased with how it came out and with the pictures. She wore the combo to church Easter Sunday as well and looked so beautiful!

Below are pictures from our church's Easter Extraordinaire (Anthony performed). They have an amazing Easter Egg hunt, but of course, Lexie was a little too small for that. She had fun anyway though; Pastor went and got her an egg and she is still playing with it! She also loved her Easter bunny from Grandma Flagg! All in all, a great holiday!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lexie's Dedication

Busy Mommy, Busy Baby

So, I'm obviously behind on blogging; things have been extremely busy lately. While I've been absent from blogger; Lexie's been growing and changing daily. She walks around all the furniture daily now and can pull herself up in her crib and play yard. She has even said "yes" and "no" in the last few weeks!

Here are a few of the pictures from her dedication; she wore this beautiful black and white dress with the princess skirt and looked so pretty! It was a beautiful day and Mom even got to be here to see it! She was so good and even patted Pastor when he lifted her up!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Pretty Little Lady!

Getting Ready for Church

Isn't she pretty? I love this outfit; the leopard jacket coordinates so awesome with the pants and the shirt has the paw print on it to match! Her hair is getting so long also. She looked so cute and got compliments from everyone!

Poor thing had an ear infection this week; I was hoping she would be older before we had to give her an antibiotic, but both ears were infected and so it was a necessity. She is starting to feel better and getting back to her old self.

Grandma Nancy is coming in tomorrow - we are so excited for her to see how big Lexie is! This Sunday is her dedication at church. We will be sure to take pictures and post them for everyone who isn't able to be here; we love and miss you all!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

She's a Cutie!

As you can see, Lexie is getting really good at standing up and getting around! She wore her Atlanta Falcons dress to church today (below is a picture of her with her furry hat, which she left on for a little while after coming inside).

She is getting smarter and smarter; it's like she gains new skills and abilities every day! We were saying that it seems like she goes to bed thinking about what she's going to do the next day and then wakes up doing something she's never done before without even thinking about it!

As many of you know, she had her nine month appointment this week; 18 pounds, 5 ounces (40th percentile) and 28 inches (70th percentile). The doctor was amazed at some of the things she is able to do at her age and said she is so advanced in some of the social things that we will "have our hands full", but we already knew that! Her caretakers at childcare have also been amazed at her memory - they said they've never seen a baby who remembers where they are going when they take her in a certain direction before!

She got invited to her first birthday party this week (another Lexy) and it is causing us to have to start thinking about what we will do to celebrate her first birthday. Only three months away! It is hard to believe she is growing up so quickly!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting into Everything!

Ripping, Spilling, Crawling and Falling

So I was on our pediatrician's website a few weeks ago and was looking ahead at the well child care handouts for Lexie's nine month visit (coming up this Thursday). I laughed when I read "Taking care of a nine month old is quite exhausting. Be sure to get plenty of rest." She isn't lying!

Lexie is getting around really well, crawling and standing up holding onto furniture (and of course falling occasionally). She loves ripping up magazines and today she got the top off of her teething tablets and dumped them out. She loves banging toys together to make noise as well as hitting our faces over and over. She has also discovered that she can drop things and loves it (no more holding Mommy's phone)!

I started moving her into 12 month sized clothing this week. Some of it is still a little big but she is definitely getting too big for her 9 month stuff ! Her front bottom teeth have poked through; as soon as I can get some good pictures of them I will post some.

She is definitely a busy little lady!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Thirsty? Hungry? Or Both?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Home!

I Missed Daddy!

All is Right in the World Again!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Loving my Presents!

I Love my Toys!

Yes I do!

My Dolly

My Blanket is sooo soft!

So Is my Puppet

So Tired from Playing I Fell Asleep Eating!