Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jumping and Stuff!

New Things Every Day!
So Lexie is definitely teething - she will gnaw on anything in sight to relieve her gums and is eating smaller portions at a time. My guess is that sucking irritates her front gums where the first teeth come in. We went to Oklahoma City this weekend for a show and to see some friends. Megan is ready to deliver any day and Lexie would wrap her arms around her belly and then lean forward to try to chew on it - it was hysterical!
She's changing so much day by day - this week she rolled over back to tummy so now she can roll either way. She reaches out to be held all the time now and giggles in such a cute way! She is also learning to love her Jumperoo - watch the video clip to see her bounce :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Babe and My Baby!

My Two Favorite People :)

Aren't they great?!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Poor Lil' Lexie
So I think we've begun the teething phase... poor little Lexie. Her gums have definitely been hurting her and she wants to be near us all the time. So far her freezer teether and teething tablets have helped and we've used Tylenol occasionally also. I've been reading up on it and I'm hoping she will start to adjust to it a little as time goes.
She is getting cuter and cuter every day :) She is getting really proficient at rolling over and has mastered what I call the "half roll" (so she can see the TV but not roll over all the way)! She reached for me for the first time this weekend - it was so sweet! I didn't know it was possible to love someone so little so much!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chillin' and Watchin' Baby First TV!

Lexie Hanging with Daddy
... and watching Baby First TV - she loves Harry the Bunny and Bonnie Bear the most so far..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Growing Like a Weed!

Growing Like Crazy!

So I know I've posted a lot of pics of Lexie in her Gymini, but she does spend a lot of time in it and as you can see is growing ridiculously fast! She is so long!

She's begun rolling over, although she cries when she does it because she hasn't figured out how to roll back yet! Her little cold has turned into a cough and we got a breathing treatment machine from the doctor this week to make sure it doesn't become something serious. She cries when we first apply the mask, but she has started to get used to it and actually sticks her tongue out towards the "steam medicine" as it comes out! It is pretty funny.

We took her to Dave and Busters tonight for a friend's birthday; she had a blast looking around at all the people and activities going on. In the picture below she is trying to get to Anthony's giant ice cream milkshake - I guess she was hungry!