Friday, February 26, 2010

Lexie's Dedication

Busy Mommy, Busy Baby

So, I'm obviously behind on blogging; things have been extremely busy lately. While I've been absent from blogger; Lexie's been growing and changing daily. She walks around all the furniture daily now and can pull herself up in her crib and play yard. She has even said "yes" and "no" in the last few weeks!

Here are a few of the pictures from her dedication; she wore this beautiful black and white dress with the princess skirt and looked so pretty! It was a beautiful day and Mom even got to be here to see it! She was so good and even patted Pastor when he lifted her up!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Pretty Little Lady!

Getting Ready for Church

Isn't she pretty? I love this outfit; the leopard jacket coordinates so awesome with the pants and the shirt has the paw print on it to match! Her hair is getting so long also. She looked so cute and got compliments from everyone!

Poor thing had an ear infection this week; I was hoping she would be older before we had to give her an antibiotic, but both ears were infected and so it was a necessity. She is starting to feel better and getting back to her old self.

Grandma Nancy is coming in tomorrow - we are so excited for her to see how big Lexie is! This Sunday is her dedication at church. We will be sure to take pictures and post them for everyone who isn't able to be here; we love and miss you all!