Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tummy Time!

Eyes Wide Open!
So today we spent some time on our tummies; learning to lift our heads :) Lexie did really well, grunting and trying to move forward the whole time. She got great exercise of her neck and shoulder muscles and was rewarded afterwards with lunch.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lexie's Busy Day

She's Five Weeks Old!

As you can see, Lexie was tired out from a very busy day today. Today she had a bath and then played in her bassinet for a few minutes while I got ready to take her to the doctor. Today was our first trip out by ourselves and I couldn't wait to find out how much she had grown. I was almost ready and just had to pack her diaper bag when she started crying. It was just a few minutes but she had herself pretty worked up by the time I was able to pick her up. We headed out and made it to Dr. Mayberry's just in time. Lexie did so well at her appointment and didn't cry the whole time even when she had to be undressed! The nurse weighed her and she was 9 lbs. 4 oz. - over two whole pounds more than 4 weeks ago! She was also measured at 21.5 inches - almost two inches taller! She is completely healthy and overall did really well!
Since we were already out I figured I might as well pick up some things from Target on the way home. Lexie did amazingly well in the store considering it was close to time for her to eat. She started fussing towards the end so we checked out quickly and came home. I was really proud of how well she did and how I did being on my own and taking her out! We can definitely attempt this again soon. (Next appointment is of course time for her to get her first round of shots, so we'll hope that goes as well :)

Here is a picture of her classic arm stretch. Every single nap she stretches her arms above her head while stretching her feet and will end up sleeping with her arms out in some form, usually with her hands in fists. Of course she makes little straining noises while she stretches too! It is is really funny and cute to watch and I finally caught a little bit of it today in a picture!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lexie's First Big Trip!

We Made It!

So after 4+ weeks of staying inside (with the exception of stroller rides around the park or walks in the backyard) we decided to take Lexie to visit her family in Memphis/Mississippi for Memorial Day weekend. We took the trip down at night and she slept for most of the six hour drive... meaning little sleep for us once we got there :)

We stayed with Aunt Virginia in Memphis and surprise - Uncle Sammy was home for just a few days before shipping back to Iraq! We were so happy to see him and that he got to meet Lexie! I'm a little surprised he and Aunt Virginia didn't manage to steal her from us permanently! We were able to drive to Mississippi to see Grandma Juanita and several other family members; of course, everyone loved her!

We headed back today; this trip was a bit more tricky since Lexie was already a little cranky from being overstimulated. Overall she did pretty well although we did get a good demonstration of her now fully functional tear ducts! She was definitely happy to be back home and took a nice nap once we were back. Very successful first major outing!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Parenting Daddy Style

Lexie and Daddy Time

This will be a short one, but I just think this picture is so cute! Anthony loves to take Lexie with him when playing the 360 and Lexie seems to like it too. She usually falls asleep to the sound and I know she loves being held!

Lexie is Four Weeks Old!

Four Weeks In!

So today was Lexie's four week birthday! She slept pretty well last night and did great in her bath all the way until it was time to get dressed! Then she wasn't too happy with me, but I brushed her hair and she calmed down a bit.
She is figuring out her days and nights better and actually stayed up for a while today. She is growing and changing every day - getting more and more bright eyed all the time.

Last night she actually went in her swing for a few minutes without crying and stared at the elephant on the mobile for a while. We are through the first four weeks, which everyone says are the hardest. I hate to even think about going back to work and having to leave her everyday, but I still have all of June with her.
Anthony finished his music video last weekend and is back to being able to help out in the evenings, which is awesome. Tomorrow we take our first trip with her; driving to Memphis to stay with Aunt Virginia. Should be interesting to see how she does on the trip; I'll let you all know how it went!