Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lexie's Busy Day

She's Five Weeks Old!

As you can see, Lexie was tired out from a very busy day today. Today she had a bath and then played in her bassinet for a few minutes while I got ready to take her to the doctor. Today was our first trip out by ourselves and I couldn't wait to find out how much she had grown. I was almost ready and just had to pack her diaper bag when she started crying. It was just a few minutes but she had herself pretty worked up by the time I was able to pick her up. We headed out and made it to Dr. Mayberry's just in time. Lexie did so well at her appointment and didn't cry the whole time even when she had to be undressed! The nurse weighed her and she was 9 lbs. 4 oz. - over two whole pounds more than 4 weeks ago! She was also measured at 21.5 inches - almost two inches taller! She is completely healthy and overall did really well!
Since we were already out I figured I might as well pick up some things from Target on the way home. Lexie did amazingly well in the store considering it was close to time for her to eat. She started fussing towards the end so we checked out quickly and came home. I was really proud of how well she did and how I did being on my own and taking her out! We can definitely attempt this again soon. (Next appointment is of course time for her to get her first round of shots, so we'll hope that goes as well :)

Here is a picture of her classic arm stretch. Every single nap she stretches her arms above her head while stretching her feet and will end up sleeping with her arms out in some form, usually with her hands in fists. Of course she makes little straining noises while she stretches too! It is is really funny and cute to watch and I finally caught a little bit of it today in a picture!

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