Friday, December 25, 2009

Baby's First Christmas!

So today was Lexie's very first Christmas. We started getting ready yesterday; I did a lot of cooking and baking and we watched Christmas movies and listened to carols. Last night a major blizzard came through and left us with lots and lots of snow - Lexie's never seen it before so I opened the door so she could see it and told her all about it.

This morning we got up to open presents. Even though I know she doesn't really know what's going on, she had a blast! She had so much fun opening each gift and has already played with all the toys. By the time she opened all of them she was looking around at everything trying to figure out what to grab and shake!

Thank you to everyone who thought of us and especially Lexie on her first Christmas! We love you all and appreciate you so much. Remember the reason for the season is about the greatest gift of all!

I finally get to open!

My Learning Purse!

I'm soooo excited!

Look at all this stuff!

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