Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two Months Old!

Shots and Stuff!

So, hard as it is to believe, our baby girl is two months old! As many of you know, I was in a car accident recently and unfortunately my camera is in the car at the body shop, so all pictures are from my phone for a few days.

Lexie definitely develops more and more each day. It is so much fun to watch her begin to reach for us and make new sounds. When I used to lay her in her Gymini she would just stare at the hanging animals; now she reaches for them and makes cooing noises at them. There is only one she has trouble reaching and that's the giraffe. She nearly always ends up crying while staring at it after unsuccessfully trying to reach it. She is extremely strong for her age and actually lifted her head and shoulders up off of my lap from a laying down position the other day. The last few days we have also started pumping and feeding her only from a bottle in the day time to prepare her for mommy going back to work.

Her two-month appointment was yesterday. She was in a great mood, smiling and cuddling through the whole office visit. She weighed in at 10 pounds 14 ounces (50th percentile) and measured at 23.25 inches (75th percentile). She did great with the doctor and was once again described as "perfect". Then came the moment I've been dreading for weeks; her shots. She had to get one liquid immunization by mouth and three shots in her little thighs. She layed down smiling and unsuspecting on the table and went into an immediate scream at the first prick. The next two didn't help any. Very emotional for both her and me; I had to fight back the tears myself as she looked up at me. I ended up holding, rocking and talking to her in the room for about twenty minutes before she was calm enough to go home. It has been a rough 24 hours. Last evening and night she cried quite a bit and while the Tylenol helped a little, it definitely didn't take the discomfort away. Fortunately as you can see from the picture, she had a long nap today and woke up feeling much better. I am NOT looking forward to her four and six month repeats, but at least now we know what to expect.

I have only this week and next and then I have to go back to work. Amazing how quickly the time has gone. It will not be easy leaving her, but I know it is necessary. Hopefully the adjustment will be smooth and painless for Lexie and Mommy.

1 comment:

FlaggFamily said...

Testing, testing 1, 2, 3...