Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Three Month Photo Shoot!

Growing by Leaps and Bounds!
So, as you can see from my last post, Lexie's latest development has been figuring out how to grab her toys (and Daddy's Xbox controller and Mommy's hair!) Of course, she also loves trying to eat her fists pretty much 24/7, but that's been going on for a while :)
You can also see that she has been getting lots of "Tummy Time" practice between home and daycare and she is able to raise herself up very high on her own! She has also figured out how to propel herself forward with her strong little kicks, although she hasn't yet realized how to coordinate that with her hand movements in order to crawl.
We went to JCPenney's for her pictures this time. She had just woken up from her nap and I think that prevented her from smiling a whole lot, but she did very well. After that we took a nice walk around the mall in the stroller. Lexie wanted to be able to see everything that was going on so I opened up the canopy cover until she fell asleep. All in all, a very successful outing and a great way to fill time while Daddy was out of town :) We were very happy to welcome him back!

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